Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekly Know-It-All Wrap-Up: April 16-22

As you all well know, I am a writer. I love to write on many different subjects, and I am expanding my network to include various places that are willing to publish my ridiculously opinionated words.

That being said, I'll be doing a weekly wrap-up of all the proof of my rampant, random, and refreshing rhetoric.

Starting up, I am an official staff writer for an Ottawa based e-newspaper called The Golden Vanguard. My staff page is here.

This week, I wrote on such topics as Peanuts (are they a nut?), and whether or not Music can alter your mood. I also wrote a review of Insomnia by Stephen King after I read the novel despite receiving some bad reviews.

I also write for Helium, you can find my profile page here. On Helium I write on pretty much any subject that crosses my mind, for instance my opinion on whether natural ingredients are healthier than artificial.

Not to mention the diatribes I write here, which are easy enough to find.

One of such diatribes I decided to also post (cross-post... whatever) on BlogHer, a community through which I am trying to share my thoughts and grow my network. The Lorax (2012) is a movie I loved very dearly, so I shared my thoughts on it both here (on Mrs.O) and here (on BlogHer)

There you have it, my writing wrap-up for the week! Enjoy!

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